The traditional mastermind only has 6-10 people, but I’ve been able to break that tradition by leverage technology and other other accountability practices that keep members engaged.

As a mastermind group leader, you should always be seeking to meet amazing people even if your group is full at the moment. The group’s membership will fluctuate and you want to have a deep “bench” of talent that you draw from when a member leaves the group for whatever reason.

Phase 1: Founding Members

You can identify founding members by bringing together the amazing people you’ve met along the way. You can invite them with a 1-on-1 meeting or phone call that explains to them more about your vision for the group, the structure, and who will be members.

Once you have your Founding Members, the goal is to build strong bonds between them and get them clear on new member criteria and process. From there, they can make recommendations and be ambassadors for the group. In some cases, you can offer each one of them a buddy pass—meaning they can invite someone they believe would be awesome for free—to double the size of the group instantly.

Phase 2: Grow From Within

It is important to instill the belief in the group that all members should always be seeking to surround yourself with amazing people. Of course the group itself meets that need. That’s why they joined. But their circle of support doesn’t have to stop with just the group.

When you’re trying to connect with someone amazing, sometimes, it’s easier to develop a relationship with someone you want to be around by inviting them to a mastermind group where they benefit from the presence of many amazing people rather than trying to connect 1-on-1. By default of your invitation, your relationship with them will grow. The mastermind group will also appreciate you for bringing in someone who makes the group experience for valuable.


Phase 3: Grow By Targeting

After you’ve grown from the Founding Members into their networks and your own, the group can start targeting amazing people that think would round at the group. Let’s say the group needs a lawyer or accountant. You can ask around about not only lawyers or accountants that members know, but also great ones that they have heard about and want to be around. From there, the person with the strongest connection and the group leader can actively recruit specific individuals just like a head hunter.

Phase 4: Grow With Advertising

Finally, there is advertising. Most mastermind groups don’t do this because they are rather secretive or only grow through word of mouth. Members like to know who is coming into the group.

There are many ways advertise besides banner ads. You can advertise through speaking about the power of mastermind group on stages or online with webinars or YouTube videos. You can advertise through a book or blog like this. You can advertise through a podcast related to the desired outcome of your mastermind group.

Through advertising, you will attract the right people because they are self-selecting. You didn’t have to do convincing. They have convinced themselves that they need a mastermind group like your and even without knowing you or your members, they are ready to commit.

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