Most mastermind groups have an application process. It can be as extensive as a job interview or as simple as a web form. Below are some standard questions to consider when someone expresses interest in your group. The intention behind the questions is to understand who they are, where they are, what they want, and what they can bring to the group.

Questions 1-4 are basic information.

Questions 5 allows you to know exactly what they want out of the group so you can deliver it to them. In some cases, you may not be able to deliver on what they want and as a result, you won’t allow them to join because they have an expectation that you can’t meet or you can speak with them to clarify what the group can do for them. For instance, if they write “To grow my business from 0 to 100K real quick” you may have to address this expectation via a 1-on-1 meeting.

The grades in question 6 will give you valuable information as to where the group is strong and weak collectively and which individuals are the strongest in the group’s areas of weakness so that you can pull on them for their leadership.

The categories to grade in question 6 can be altered based on the purpose, vision, and mission of your group. If you are an online marketer, your categories might be email marketing, social media, product development, lead magnets, event sales, etc. If you’re a HR-based group it may be recruiting, retention, engagement, compensation, legal, promotion, technology, and social media.

Questions 7-9 help you understand what they can contribute to the group and sets a tone up front that this group isn’t just about what you can get, but it’s also about what you can give. This information will also help you foster deeper connections as you match people for various activities.

Of course, I encourage you to add more question to ensure that a new member matches your group’s ethos and criteria. For instance you may want to know their title, revenues, location, education level, community service, availability for meetings dates, conferences attended, social profiles (e.g. LinkedIn), etc. You can also have whoever invited them to write a reference letter to speak to their fit at a group meeting.

1. Full Name: ____________________________________________

2. Email: ________________________________________________

3. Phone: _______________________________________________

4. Who invited you: ______________________________________

5. Why are you joining: ____________________________________



6. Grade the following areas of your life on a scale of A+ to F:

Family & Relationships: _____

Professional & Career: _____

Health & Wellness: _____

Family & Relationships: _____

Financial & Income: _____

Social & Fun: _____

Soul & Spiritual: _____

Other 1: _______________     _____

Other 2:_______________     _____

7. What do you bring to the team: ___________________________



8. Your gifts, talents, strengths, and skills: _____________________



9. Your passions and hobbies: ______________________________



❒ I agree to the Guidelines & Privacy Policy for this group

10. Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________

According to Wikipedia, in Benjamin Franklin’s Junto, any person to be qualified as a member was to stand up, lay his hand upon his chest, over his heart, and be asked the following questions, viz.

  1. Have you any particular disrespect to any present members? Answer. I have not.
  2. Do you sincerely declare that you love mankind in general, of what profession or religion soever? Answer. I do.
  3. Do you think any person ought to be harmed in his body, name, or goods, for mere speculative opinions, or his external way of worship? Answer. No.
  4. Do you love truth for truth’s sake, and will you endeavor impartially to find and receive it yourself, and communicate it to others? Answer. Yes.

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