In business, there are so many moving pieces. How do you know what to focus on?

Richard Branson once said “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to keep things simple.”

Every day is seems like a new technology comes out and everyone…even non-entrepreneurs…be like…you need to get on that.

Before you go chasing another rabbit, pause and ask yourself “What’s really important?”

You have to know the difference between sexy and successful metrics.

Sexy metrics like social media posts and page likes may bring you a little fame.

But successful metrics are what bring your freedom.

In this video, I’ll break down the subtle differences between sexy and successful metrics so that you invest your time in moving the right needle.

We all have 24 hours per day to create the business and life we want.

The only difference in our results is how we invest our time.

And those who invest in success and not sexiness (with the exception of some Instagram girls) will win.

Let me know what your successful metrics are.

Learn. Lead. Love.


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