A lot of people think that in order to coach or consult, they have to be some super successful person or celebrity and it’s not true.

Everyone wants to be the guru on the mountaintop, but it can take decades to get there.

Fortunately there are two faster paths.

How is it that I coached millionaires before becoming one myself?

How is it that I consult for Fortune 500 companies that are way bigger than my own?

Your experience and education is not the only thing that qualifies you or gives you credibility to lead.

Think about it. Every leader at some point had no leadership experience. 

In this video, I describe the 3 types of coaches and consultants that exist.

You do not have to have some sort of huge accomplishment in your business or life.

You don’t have to be a millionaire or famous.

You simply have to be honest about whether you’re leading from a position of vet, yeast, or learner.

Learn. Lead. Love.


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