Fatimah’s Be Bold Business Monthly Mastermind

[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”80″ line_height=”80″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”700″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” padding=”5px 5px 5px 5px” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#4ec1c0″ background_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.62)”]

Be Bold Mastermind

[/no_custom_font][no_custom_font font_family=”Courgette” font_size=”40″ line_height=”40″ font_style=”italic” text_align=”left” font_weight=”100″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#ffffff”]Build your Business or Career in Community[/no_custom_font]

[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”30″ line_height=”30″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”700″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”capitalize” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”-1″ padding=”” margin=”” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]Our 2017 Officially Begins on January 10th[/no_custom_font]
[no_countdown year=”2017″ month=”1″ day=”10″ hour=”23″ minute=”59″ font_weight=”500″ show_separator=”hide_separator” month_label=”Months” day_label=”Days” hour_label=”Hours” minute_label=”Minutes” second_label=”Seconds” month_singular_label=”Month” day_singular_label=”Day” hour_singular_label=”Hour” minute_singular_label=”Minute” second_singular_label=”Second” color=”#dd3333″]
[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”12″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]I’ve been blessed to work with and be featured by the likes of….[/no_custom_font]
[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”30″ line_height=”30″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”700″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”capitalize” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”-1″ padding=”” margin=”” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]Dear Bold Visionary,[/no_custom_font][no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”25″ line_height=”25″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”700″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”capitalize” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”-1″ show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#4ec1c0″]You have an idea that the world needs to see. It’s time to create what you really want and be who you truly are. It’s time to Be Bold![/no_custom_font]

I’ve talked to hundreds of visionaries here at home and in my international travels who have a business or career they want to grow, yet they lack the motivation, support, and steps to get there. In an age of information overload, there’s lots of social media posts and brief articles meant to inspire. Those are great in the moment, but where does that leave you at the time of implementation?

I am 100% committed to not just touching lives, but actually transforming them. I have a folder in my email labeled “Affirmations” where I store all of the emails that I get from people whose lives I’ve transformed by holding them accountable to what they say they want for their own lives. Too often big ideas die between the desire to achieve them and the strategy and positive accountability to accomplish them. Now I have created a community to join goal-oriented professionals to bring our work to life with ease, collective accountability, and tried-and-true systems.


[no_custom_font font_family=”Cedarville Cursive” font_size=”60″ line_height=”60″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”200″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”capitalize” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”-1″ padding=”” margin=”” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]Fatimah[/no_custom_font]
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Who Is The Be Bold Mastermind For?

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We Are A Group of 25 Professionals Creating Lives, Careers and Businesses We Love


[no_image_with_text text_over_image=”yes” target=”_self” text_position=”top” title_underline=”yes” alignment=”left” image=”58397″ small_title=”Solo CEOs, Coaches, Speakers” small_title_color=”#000000″ title=”Entrepreneurs” title_color=”#4ec1c0″][/no_image_with_text]
[no_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”normal_icon_list” title_font_weight=”” show_separator=”yes” icon_color=”#4ec1c0″ title=”Full-Time Entrepreneurs & Side Hustlers” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”20″ icon_size=”20″ bottom_margin=”0″][no_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”normal_icon_list” title_font_weight=”” show_separator=”yes” icon_color=”#4ec1c0″ title=”Desire More Creativity & Growth” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”20″ icon_size=”20″ bottom_margin=”0″][no_icon_list_item icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”normal_icon_list” title_font_weight=”” show_separator=”yes” icon_color=”#4ec1c0″ title=”Thrives As Giver & Taker In Community” title_color=”#ffffff” title_size=”20″ icon_size=”20″ bottom_margin=”0″]
[no_image_with_text text_over_image=”yes” target=”_self” text_position=”top” title_underline=”yes” alignment=”right” image=”59199″ small_title_color=”#000000″ title=”Professionals” title_color=”#4ec1c0″ small_title=”Leaders, Influencers, Career Uplevers and Professionals”][/no_image_with_text]
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What We Offer

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You Don’t Have To Do It All By Yourself Anymore


[no_numbered_steps number=”1″ title=”Accountability” subtitle=”Collective” animation=”yes” animation_delay=”0.6″]

We are more comfortable disappointing ourselves than we are other people. Rather than viewing that as negative, why not simply get other people involved in our goals? We’ve been taught to rely on self-discipline and pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps, but there is an easier way. It’s called positive peer pressure and it works.

[no_numbered_steps number=”2″ title=”Support” subtitle=”Coach & Group” animation=”yes” animation_delay=”0.3″]

The last time many of us were coached was when we played organized sports. Coaches have a way of seeing and drawing out the greatness that is always inside of us. In addition to your team’s Head Coach, you will also be coached by your buddy and your team. Coaches lift you up and never let you down even when you feel down on yourself.

[no_numbered_steps number=”3″ title=”Friends” subtitle=”Like-Minded” animation=”yes”]

There is a difference between your social friends and your successful friends. Social friends take you out to a party. Successful friends takes you out of your comfort zone. We need both, but we specialize in providing you with structure, accountability, and a team of successful friends who will inspire and challenge you to create the life you desire.

[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ line_height=”40″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#ffffff”]Founder Testimonial[/no_custom_font][no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”30″ line_height=”32″ font_style=”italic” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” padding=”5px 5px 5px 5px” margin=”5px 5px 5px 5px” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]”This group is so cool! I joined as soon as I heard about it because I finally know what I want to do. I’ve had a few ideas for building my lifestyle and travel brand, and this group and the accountability with other creative go getters will help me bring it to life.”[/no_custom_font][no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”15″ line_height=”15″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”right” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#ffffff”]Lené  Michele[/no_custom_font][no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”12″ line_height=”12″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”right” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]Amsterdam Black Women and Take Flight Living[/no_custom_font]
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How Does This Mastermind Group Work?

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We Meet Virtually Bi-Weekly For A Year With Online Coaching In Between


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Our Proven 30 Day Success Cycle


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During The Year, You Get…

[/no_custom_font][no_numbered_steps number=”12″ title=”Virtual Mastermind & Goal Setting Meetings” subtitle=”Webinar” animation=”yes”][no_numbered_steps number=”12″ title=”Mid-Month Group Accountability Hot Seat Calls” subtitle=”Phone” animation=”yes”][no_numbered_steps number=”50″ title=”Weeks Of Direct Coaching From Me” subtitle=”Online” animation=”yes”][no_numbered_steps number=”30″ title=”Minute 1-on-1 Visioning Call With Me” subtitle=”Phone/Video” animation=”yes”][no_numbered_steps number=”25″ title=”New Friends Committed To Your Success” subtitle=”Online/In-Person” animation=”yes”][no_numbered_steps number=”24″ title=”Hour Access To Our Private Online Community” subtitle=”Online” animation=”yes”]

[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” padding=”15px 0px 15px 0px” margin=”15px 0px 15px 0px” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#4ec1c0″ background_color=”#000000″]

Here’s How I’ll Hold You Accountable Between Meetings


The Player’s View
[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ line_height=”45″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]An online platform to
track your goals[/no_custom_font]

1. Set monthly goals, track your progress, and get coached online

2. Get text-based notifications when you get coached or your buddy progresses

3. Search your teammates by skills to get specific help on your personal goals

[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”300″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” padding=”15px 0px 15px 0px” margin=”15px 0px 15px 0px” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#4ec1c0″ background_color=”#000000″]

Pack Your Bags For Our Be Bold Weekend In New York City


[no_custom_font font_family=”Montserrat” font_size=”40″ line_height=”45″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” show_in_border_box=”no” color=”#000000″]1 Day Work + Play[/no_custom_font]

You deserve a break and a breakthrough. That’s why in June, we will be headed to New York together to take over the city and our lives. You work hard and you deserve to take it easy. For this full day event, you are going to learn how to balance work and play. You connect with me and your accountability group members in person to exchange information, ideas and strategies.

By the time we’re done, nobody will be the same.

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Packages & Pricing


[no_pricing_tables columns=”three_columns”][no_pricing_table type=”title_on_top” small_title=”” title=”100% Committed” title_alignment=”center” title_border_bottom=”yes” title_border_bottom_style=”pricing_title_grid” border_arround=”no” table_border_top=”no” price_border_bottom=”no” price_font_weight=”” show_button=”yes” pricing_button_type=”standard_button” button_size=”normal” target=”_blank” button_arrow=”no” active=”yes” active_style=”circle” content_style=”pricing_content_full_width” different_odd_even_sections=”yes” price=”1649″ button_text=”Apply Now” link=”https://goo.gl/forms/tFoMXGjfIfBrU6U03″ active_text=”Best Choice!” active_text_background_color=”#4ec1c0″ currency=”$” price_period=”One-Time” title_background_color=”#000000″ button_color=”#ffffff” button_hover_color=”#4ec1c0″ button_background_color=”#000000″ active_text_color=”#000000″]

  • 12 Virtual Mastermind & Goal Setting Meetings
  • 12 Mid-Month Accountability Hot Seat Calls
  • 50 Weeks Of Direct Online Coaching From Me
  • 24/7 Access To An Online Community Of Members
  • Be Bold Book & Affirmation Audio($25)
  • More Money, More Impact Online Course Online Course ($299)
  • 50% Off The Be Bold Weekend Ticket ($99)
  • 30-Minute 1-on-1 Welcome Call ($225)
  • SAVE $139 for Pay in Full

[/no_pricing_table][no_pricing_table type=”title_on_top” small_title=”” title=”One Month At A Time” title_alignment=”center” title_border_bottom=”yes” title_border_bottom_style=”pricing_title_grid” border_arround=”no” table_border_top=”no” price_border_bottom=”no” price_font_weight=”” show_button=”yes” pricing_button_type=”standard_button” button_size=”normal” target=”_blank” button_arrow=”no” active=”no” content_style=”pricing_content_full_width” different_odd_even_sections=”yes” price=”149″ button_text=”Apply Now” link=”https://goo.gl/forms/tFoMXGjfIfBrU6U03″ currency=”$” price_period=”Per Month” title_background_color=”#000000″ button_color=”#ffffff” button_hover_color=”#4ec1c0″ button_background_color=”#000000″]

  • 12 Virtual Mastermind & Goal Setting Meetings
  • 12 Mid-Month Accountability Hot Seat Calls
  • 50 Weeks Of Direct Online Coaching From Me
  • 24/7 Access To An Online Community Of Members
  • Be Bold Book & Audio Affirmations ($25)
  • More Money, More Impact Online Course ($299)
  • 50% Off The Be Bold Weekend Ticket ($99)
  • 30-Minute 1-on-1 Welcome Call ($225)
  • * 3-month minimum commitment

[/no_pricing_table][no_pricing_table type=”title_on_top” small_title=”” title=”1-on-1 Coaching” title_alignment=”center” title_border_bottom=”yes” title_border_bottom_style=”pricing_title_grid” border_arround=”no” table_border_top=”no” price_border_bottom=”no” price_font_weight=”” show_button=”yes” pricing_button_type=”standard_button” button_size=”normal” button_arrow=”no” active=”yes” active_style=”circle” content_style=”pricing_content_full_width” different_odd_even_sections=”yes” price=”450″ button_text=”Get Coached Instead” active_text=”Other Option” currency=”$” price_period=”Hour” link=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=67ZCU8KDGUULA”]

  • One 60-Minute Coaching Call
  • 30 Days of Email Support


[no_button size=”big_large_full_width” button_hover_animation=”default” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-envelope” icon_position=”left” target=”_blank” font_weight=”” text=”Send Any Questions” link=”mailto: fatimahphd@gmail.com”]

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Frequently Asked Questions

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If you miss a meeting, you are responsible for sending an update regarding your goal in advance as well as declare your goal for the follow month. You can connect with a group member to catch up on anything you missed. Audio recordings will also be available.

[/no_accordion_tab][no_accordion_tab title=”Can I join on a month-to-month basis?” hide_icon=”no” icon_pack=”font_awesome”]

You can pay monthly, but your commitments are quarterly (for 3 months). The quarters begin on the first day of January, April, July, and October. Once you begin a quarter, you are committed for that entire quarter.

We want to create camaraderie in our group and that can’t happen when people are in and out, in and out. We highly encourage you to consider committing to the entire 12-month process to maximize your results and those of other members.

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There are 4 ways to still get the support you need directly from me:

  1. The online app allows me to coach you via text in the context of your goal for the month. I commit to coaching online at least 2 times per week—usually on Monday and Thursday mornings. So if you want feedback, you can request it there.
  2. The mid-month accountability calls have what we call “hot seats.” Hot seats are your opportunity to share your problem or challenge and get coached by me live in the safety of the group. Other group members may chime in with their insight around your area of struggle. This collective wisdom is one of the benefits mastermind groups have over 1-on-1 coaching because you can benefit from everyone’s wisdom.
  3. You can reach out to a group member for direct support. Through the group, you will meet people who are at similar stages of development as you or beyond and because we are all committed to each other’s success, you can ask for support. If the specific support you are requesting is something that a member normally charges for, we encourage you to pay them. If there is reciprocity and you have something non-monetary to give to them in exchange for their time, listening, and expertise, then that is okay too.
  4. You can still hire me for 1-on-1 coaching while in the mastermind group. Members get a discount off of my standard hourly rate.